Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stuck in the middle

You know how it is when you feel like you don't fit anywhere. Being a woman in my profession makes me feel like some fantasy creature, especially after I take part of IT gibberish talk. Most of my friends are IT. They are not surprised about me knowing few things here and there. Problem are the "others".

I am not ashamed of what I do and what I know, but it is hard to find a common interest with woman for me. I can talk with guys for hours, laugh and be cheeky as much as I want and I know they will not take it to them. When I try to talk to any girl I feel like I hit a wall. I don't know anything about cosmetics and I nearly don't use any. I don't follow new trends in fashion and shoe topic is just so unbelievably boring.
So many times I tried to talk to person of the same gender and make friends and I just feel like I am from different planet. When I am talking about cool special effect in Avatar and how interesting the universe looked like, I need to hear the "amazing" love story and whole description of "eko" talk and how people destroy their planet (grrrr).

I even started to wondering if maybe something is wrong with me, because I really fell weird around woman and even if my boyfriend thinks that it is just woman that I meet that are weird I still have doubts. Why it is so easy to talk to guys when talking to woman is so hard. Maybe I will finally find in sometime girl here that I could call my friend just like in my previous place of living, I keep my fingers crossed. Till then, guys good luck with girls, you will need it ;).

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